Gelatina de plata sobre papel de fibra perforado y recorte de hoja de coca
21 x 26 cm
1994- 1997

En esta basílica consagró el país  al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús en el siglo XIX. Está ubicada en un costado de la plaza de los Mártires , que fue escenario importantísimo en la guerra de la independencia. Allí eran fusilados los rebeldes patriotas. Ahora, en total abandono está este lugar tomado por la indigencia.

Mirando el remate de su cúpula encontré que su forma esta inspirada en la capsula de  amapola. Esta fotografía intervenida con hoja de coca, un pequeño recorte circular en el lugar central de la custodia, que remata todo el conjunto habla del nuevo “Voto Nacional” a la industria de las drogas.

Miguel Ángel Rojas

The National Vow, 1994–1997

Silver gelatin print on perforated fiber paper and coca leaf cutouts
8 ¼ x 10 ¼ in.

The nation was consecrated to the Sagrado Corazón de Jesús(Sacred Heart of Jesus) during the nineteenth century with this basilica, located along one side of the Plaza de Los Mártires which was an important setting during the War of Independence. It was there that patriot rebels faced firing squads. The place is now in a state of utter neglect, and has been taken over by homeless.

When I studied the cupola’s finial, I found that its form was inspired by the poppy capsule. This photograph, intervened with coca leaves to form a small circular cutout at the top of the monstrance, refers to the new “National Vow” to the drug industry.

Miguel Ángel Rojas

Translated by Michelle Suderman